NZEB Suite of Trainings

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Suite of NZEB training courses for site supervisors, craft workers specialied workers, and construction workers and the development of state of the art NZEB Training Units for demonstration & practical trainings across Ireland. The central NZEB Centre of Excellence (CoE) will provide education in High Performance Buildings to students from all over the world and help develop standards that will improve energy efficiency in buildings and reduce emissions.


Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT)


Develop a blended, fully supported suite of NZEB learning resources and training centres for the entire construction industry to increase their skillsets and ensure quality collaborative energy efficient construction on-site.

Target Groups:

Site supervisors, craftworkers, specialised workers and construction workers, building owners, public authority staff, students and trainers

Exchange of Experiences:

Expert panel (Industry, energy experts, academic, professional, policy makers) to develop National NZEB specifications. LIT & WWETB developed NZEB trainings with contributions from specific experts. WWETB and Wexford Council developing NZEB CoE.


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
Increase capacity of the workforce to develop and implement NZEB training programmes and resources in Ireland.
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
Develop a portfolio of NZEB training programmes and resources to assist site supervisors, craftworkers, specialised workers and construction workers to further develop their training plan using on-line, blended, class and on-site options.
Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Developing the 3450m2 NZEB Centre of Excellence operational by the end of 2020 to provide education in NZEB buildings to students and help improve energy efficiency in buildings and reduce emissions all over the world.
Impacts/Outcomes 4:
Adapt and accredit the trainings to be stand-alone levels 4-6 EQF, incorporate the trainings into the existing apprenticeships and develop further NZEB trainings for future apprenticeships.


Skills Gaps:
Address the gaps in NZEB know how, understanding and skills by developing short NZEB trainings covering soft skills, communication, building regulations, building fabric and services, smart technology and renewables. Further skill gaps will also be addressed.
Mis-Matching of Skills:
Overcome skills mismatching and improve employability in the current Irish construction market by improving and extending the existing skills of SMEs, site managers, craftworkers and other experienced workers using NZEB trainings.
Skills Shortages:
Transfer knowledge of NZEB to and from other countries by providing mutually recognised trainings at the CoE in Ireland and carry out other trainings across Europe therefore reducing skills shortages in certain countries.


Current trainings include: (craftworkers) bricklaying, plastering, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, (specialised) ventilation, (management) site supervisor, (general) construction workers and (Public Authority staff & Building Owners) fundamentals. Future trainings will be responsive to the ever changing sector.
Career Moves:
Better training opportunities for workers and SMEs enabling upskilling and transfer of new skills in the construction market. Improvement of capacity building of the construction sector in increasing the human capital basis of its workforce
Better collaborative opportunities to establish mutually recognised NZEB trainings across Europe, enabling the mobility of a recognised skilled workforce
Other EQF-Level:
Opportunities for HEIs and VETs to establish mutually recognised training programmes across Europe
Transfer in Europe:
Transfer knowledge of NZEB to and from other countries providing mutually recognised on-line trainings across Europe enabling future transfer of knowledge
Target Groups:
Site supervisors, craftworkers, specialised workers and construction workers, building owners, public authority staff, students and trainers
General improvement of the construction sector image with increased attractiveness and competitiveness. Working with other EU funded projects and initiatives.
Training:Current trainings include: (craftworkers) bricklaying, plastering, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, (specialised) ventilation, (management) site supervisor, (general) construction workers and (Public Authority staff & Building Owners) fundamentals. Future trainings will be responsive to the ever changing sector.Career Moves:Better training opportunities for workers and SMEs enabling upskilling and transfer of new skills in the construction market. Improvement of capacity building of the construction sector in increasing the human capital basis of its workforceMobility:Better collaborative opportunities to establish mutually recognised NZEB trainings across Europe, enabling the mobility of a recognised skilled workforceOther EQF-Level:Opportunities for HEIs and VETs to establish mutually recognised training programmes across EuropeTransfer in Europe:Transfer knowledge of NZEB to and from other countries providing mutually recognised on-line trainings across Europe enabling future transfer of knowledgeTarget Groups:Site supervisors, craftworkers, specialised workers and construction workers, building owners, public authority staff, students and trainersOther:General improvement of the construction sector image with increased attractiveness and competitiveness. Working with other EU funded projects and initiatives.

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:Waterford Wexford Educational Training Board (WWETB)
Address:Waterford Industrial Park, Cork Road
Zip/City:Waterford, X91 PX02
Telephone:00353 51 301500
Contact Person
Contact Name:Michael O‘Brien
Contact Phone:00353 51 301500
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