Eficiência energética

Um dos principais motores do desenvolvimento de competências no setor. A Comissão Europeia concordou em descarbonizar o parque imobiliário europeu até 2050, o que obrigará 3-4 milhões de trabalhadores a receber formação nesta área. Nesse sentido, estamos a trabalhar para qualificar e aumentar o número de operários e trabalhadores, in loco, na área de eficiência energética e energias renováveis nos edifícios.

Projetos relacionados

Build Up Skills

The European Portal for Energy Efficiency in Buildings
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Level (s)

A common EU framework of core sustainability indicators
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Construye 2020+

A new boosf for green jobs, growth and sustainability
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Building up green Skills for Trainers from the Construction industry
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Transnational platform to support energy renovation financing
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WaTTEr Skills

Water Efficiency and Water-Energy nexus in building construction and retrofit
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Training requirements and trends in emerging professional skills
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Epiu Getafe Hogares saludables

Identify energy vulnerability, through an intelligent advanced analysis tool and adapted solutions
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C40 cities leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future
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Developing Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP) in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors initiative
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Intelligent Hybrid Thermo-Chemical District Networks
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Comprehensive monitoring of efficiency trends and policy evaluation in EU countries
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Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency First Principle and renewable energy systems for 2050 decarbonisation
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