Who we are

Construction Blueprint is a European project, belonging to the Erasmus+ Programme, for implementing a new strategic approach to sectoral cooperation on skills. We are a partnership formed by 24 partners from 12 countries, led by Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Spain).

Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC)

Fundación Laboral de la Construcción.

European Partners:

Belgium Partners:

European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC)

European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW)

European Builders Confederation (EBC)

Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers (Ifapme LHV)


Satakunnan Koulutuskuntayhtymä (Sataedu)

Comité de Concertation et de Coordination de l’Apprentissage du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (CCCA-BTP)

Fédération Française du Bâtiment (FFB)

Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works (Pedmede)

Institute of Vocational Training (Akmi)

Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V. (BZB)

Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes (ZDB)

Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH (BFW-NRW)

Ente per la Formazione e l’addestramento professionale nell’edilizia (Formedil)

Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili (Ance)

Viesoji istaiga Vilniaus statybininku rengimo centras (VSRC)

Lithuanian Builders Association (LSA)

Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Sul (Cenfic)


Šolski center Kranj (SCKR)

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS)


Please click on the highlighted countries
to find out the project partners

Areas of interest

Energy Efficiency 

One of the main drivers of skills development in the sector.

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Digitalisation skills are one of the major challenges that the Construction industry has to overcome in order to improve the human capital in the sector.

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   Circular Economy 

The Construction industry will highly contribute to a more resources-efficient economy.

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Areas of interest

Energy Efficiency

One of the main drivers of skills development in the sector.

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Digitalisation skills are one of the major challenges that the Construction industry has to overcome in order to improve the human capital in the sector.

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Circular Economy

The Construction industry has a very important role in the transition to a Circular Economy, more sustainable.

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European Commission’s free training resources on Health and Safety for new “green jobs” now available

💻🔊Today we have attended the webinar “Apprenticeships in #Construction 👷🏽- Driving the #greentransition in the #EU through the #RenovationWave” of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships 🇪🇺 #ApprenEU.

#EuropeanYearOfSkills #EYS2023

In the #EuropeanYearOfSkills @Cedefop explains how we can leverage apprenticeship to become a #greentransition driver. RT🔀@EUConstruction @EU_social @EU_ENV @IEA @LundstromPar

Today the Training and Employment Manager of @Fund_Laboral 👷🏼🏆 @1974jgonzalez receives the @EU_Commission’s Educational Innovative Training Award #EITA2023, in Brussels! 🛬🇧🇪

Congratulations team!😌


¡Estamos de celebración! 👏
Hemos recibido el premio Europeo a la Enseñanza Innovadora #EITA2023, por el proyecto #ErasmusPlus como Centro de Formación Profesional: VROAD🙌
Un orgullo para todo el equipo FLC 😊

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