On 23rd March an agreement was signed between our Italian partner, ANCE, and the other Italian employers’ organisations, Feneal-Uil, Filca-Cisl and Fillea-Cgil, to address the situation of the coronavirus in the construction sector.
The main points of the Agreement of the four national sectoral representatives of the Italian construction sector are summarised in:
- The extension of the payments due by the companies to the Building Funds, for the period February and March 2020, to 31st May 2020; the same will apply to the instalments outstanding;
- The advance by the Casse Edili to the workers of the payment of the economic treatment set aside for holidays;
- The advance payment of the time required for the payment of the professional seniority in the construction industry accrued as of April 1st, 2020.
The CNCE is entrusted with the task of providing the construction companies with all the necessary operational indications.
It should also be noted that the parties have also agreed to ask Sanedil to carry out an urgent solidarity intervention to combat contagion from Covid-19 and to provide, if possible, the purchase of masks suitable for work to be distributed to all construction workers.
For more information, access the ANCE website at the following link.