VET Training Curricula

One of the objectives of the Construction Blueprint project is to promote the upskilling and reskilling of construction workers in the European Union. Among other activities, the consortium has worked on the design and development of a series of training curricula for Vocational Training and Education, concretely in the topics of Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy and Digitalisation for the construction sector, addressed towards workers and/or students with a qualification level between 3-5 of the European Qualification Framework (EQF), and include the training programme, objectives, competences covered, number of hours, etc.

The VET curricula developed are common at the European level, however, each country participating in the project has adapted the programmes according to their national needs. In addition, any VET school in these countries or in other EU countries may adapt them to suit the training needs of their students.

This curricular design takes also into account the adaption of the training for a potential adoption in Initial VET and Continuous VET, considering different types of delivery: face-to-face, e-learning, blended learning. Also, it considers aspects of Work Based Learning (WBL). The number of hours include theoretical and practical topics, and can be adjusted to the training in the workplace or physical workshops in the VET centre.

Available. Click here to check it out!

Training contents linked to the VET curricula:

All the topics included in the three VET curricula, are completed with specific training material (more than 40 modules) which has been developed in the framework of the project, and has been used in pilot courses in the countries of the consortium. This common training material is classified in three topics, energy efficiency, digitalisation and circular economy, and has been adapted by the partners to the national realities, when needed.

The training modules developed are:

The training material will be made available in the national languages for any VET provider or interested person that would like to use them (upon request).

If you would like to use this material (and adapt it, if necessary), please contact with the national referent for the Construction Blueprint project in your country:

Belgium Centre IFAPME Liège-HuyVerviers Caroline Bricteux
France Comité de Concertation et de Coordination de l’Apprentissage du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (CCCA-BTP) Marek Lawinski

Finland Satakunnan Koulutuskuntayhtymä (Sataedu) Jari Pentinmäki
Italy Ente Unico Formazione e Sicurezza (Formedil) Stefano Macale

Ireland Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUS) Gloria Callinan




Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH (BFW-NRW) Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Goos
Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V. (BZB) Frank Bertelmann-Angenendt
Greece Institute of Vocational Training (AKMI) Theodore Grassos

Lithuania Viesoji istaiga Vilniaus statybininku rengimo centras (VSRC) Danielius Burokas

Portugal Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Sul (Cenfic) João Luís Cabrita
Slovenia Šolski center Kranj (SCKR) Nataša Kristan

Spain Fundación Laboral de la Construcción Beatriz Oliete