Construction Blueprint. Skills Blueprint for the Construction Industry is a project funded by the 2018 Call of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, inscribed within Key Action 2 of the Sector Skills Alliances (Lot 3) for implementing a new strategic approach (Blueprint) to sectoral cooperation on skills.
The main objective of Construction Blueprint is to develop a new sectoral strategic approach to cooperate on skills in the Construction industry, and support a better matching between skills need of companies and skills provided by training centres. To achieve this goal successfully, the project gathers three Sectoral European Organizations, along with nine National Sectoral representatives and twelve Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education providers from twelve European Union countries.
Project overview
Sectoral Skills Strategy
This Blueprint will be arranged through a Sectoral Skills Strategy, that will bring together lessons learned from other initiatives and will be outlined from a holistic approach, identifying political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors which may be affecting sector skills and training offer. Encompassed with activities, milestones, outcomes and outputs, the following activities will be developed during the course of the project:
- Collecting good practices at national and regional level to illustrate and promote other initiatives addressing skill gaps, integrated in an Interactive Map.
- Designing and piloting training curricula for Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy and Digitalisation for the construction industry; also different online trainings (Massive Open Online Course -MOOC-) on these topics will be available.
- Creating a tool (Observatory) to provide valuable information about particular skill needs at regional/national level.
- Identificating and selecting occupational profiles that should be updated in terms of Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy and Digitalisation.
- Carrying out an outreach campaign for the Construction industry to promote its attractiveness among youngsters and women, identifying and promoting solutions to facilitate mobility of construction workers in Europe.
- Creating a new virtual tool (website) where all project outputs will be available for stakeholders, as well as a Sector Skills Alliance platform for collaborative work.
Blueprint will be starting deployed by getting main market players involved (Education-Economic-Political-Environment-Civil Society/Cultural) taking up opportunities to make the best of their talents. They will constitute together with the partnership, the Sector Skills Alliance, the necessary driver to push a sustainable sectoral strategy and Blueprint implementation.