Construction Employers and Trade Unions of Spain agree on a guide on prevention for the return to work

Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, the joint entity of the Spanish sector, disseminates these measures on a website, to reach companies and workers in the construction industry.

With the end of the deadline set by Spanish Royal Decree Law 10/2020, which established the mandatory paid leave for its workers, work on the construction sites resumed this week, from Monday 13th April.

At the request of the Government of Spain, the social agents of the construction sector -the employers, the National Construction Confederation (CNC), and the trade unions, CCOO of Construction and Services, and the Federation of Industry, Construction and Agriculture of the UGT (UGT-FICA)- agreed last week on an Action Guide, whose objective was and is to establish a series of recommendations for the application of preventive measures in construction works due to Covid-19.

Source: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (15/04/2020).
Source: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (15/04/2020).
Application areas of the Guide

The Guide is applicable to all temporary or mobile work centres, i.e. construction sites, and to all persons working in the different workplaces or on the facilities of these centres: workers, subcontractors, self-employed people, suppliers and any other third party who comes to or is in these facilities.

The document includes measures to reinforce the prevention of occupational risks, from the time the workers are sent to the site until they leave. It refers, for example, to organisational measures, such as access by shifts, continuous working hours, breaks and rest periods, and the reinforcement of hygiene measures. And, on the other hand, it establishes recommendations regarding personal protection measures for workers, such as safety distance, the general use of gloves or respiratory protection in tasks that require two people to work at a distance of less than two meters, in accordance with the procedures established by the Ministry of Health of Spain.

The Guide has been published by Fundación Laboral on its specialized prevention site, Línea Prevención. It has set up a specific section with several graphic material -posters and computer graphics- with the main recommendations contained in the Guide, so that workers and companies in the sector can protect themselves and avoid the risks derived from the coronavirus.