EU: EBC participates in the campaign “Nous Construisons Demain”

BOUWUNIE, Belgian member of the European Builders Confederation, recently launched the campaign entitled “Nous Construisons Demain”, aiming at attracting new talents into the construction sector.

The campaign is jointly organised by the Belgian social partners of the construction industry, with the aim of breaking down stereotypes about the construction sector and show it for what it can be: an attractive, versatile sector, full of possibilities, offering opportunities and job security. New technologies and innovative materials are changing the construction industry, with new professions attracting new profiles which have emerged.

All the material developed as part of the campaign is gathered in an interactive website, available in French and Dutch, including a TV promotional video; actions and events organised at local and national level; factsheets dedicated to trending topics in construction, such as innovation and safety, well-being and inclusion, circularity, etc.; and also an interesting overview and description of the different professions in construction.

For further information, please contact: Fernando Vespa, EBC Projects & Communication Manager ( / Elena Petrich, EBC Projects & Communication Officer (