Accident Prevention and Safety at Work Post

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The Accident Prevention and Safety at Work Post is a result from a request from a number of CENFIC employees.
The objective is to create a specific space dedicated to Safety at Work, providing materials and a set of equipment, specifying its composition, online and on-site information,. It is intended to make materials and equipment available to all Trainees and Trainers to support the sessions in the Health and Safety at Work area.


Promoter - CENFIC
Partners - ACT Autoridade Para As Condições do trabalho) and some distributors of Personal Protective Equipment (EPI’ s – Equipamentos de Proteção Individual)


Make the Health and Safety at Work area something special that nobody should forget.


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
Provision of various materials and equipment that are used day by day in the application of the rules
of hygiene and safety at work, particularly in Civil Construction

Impacts/Outcomes 2:
Promote specific equipment, such as noise meter, alcohol meter, anemometer, gas detectors, lux
meter, dust meter and others.

Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Improve the safety and health of the workforce


Skills Gaps:
How to provide skills in the correct use of various reading equipment to clarify doubts generated by
poor handling

Mis-Matching of Skills:
Prevention of equipment misuse, as well as preventing incompatibilities in the use and handling of

Skills Shortages:
It is intended that this initiative promotes the acquisition of skills necessary for the development of
work in safety. It is necessary to create pro-activity in workers by enabling them to know what is
necessary to ensure good health and safety


All Training Actions must have the initiative to promote a visit to the Accident Prevention and Safety
at Work Post

Career Moves:
Change of job or promotion must not forget Hygiene, Health and Safety at Work
In the mobility of Trainees, Trainers, Technicians, the recommendation is to have as a priority to
discuss and make people feel responsible for the topic of Hygiene and Safety at Work

Entrepreneurship Opportunities:
The Entrepreneur is to make sure that workers do not forget the rules of Health and Safety at Work.
Transfer in Europe:
It is important to maintain an excellent vehicle for transmitting positive or negative experiences to
improve the implementation of the health and safety rules. This Post can be replicated across

Training:All Training Actions must have the initiative to promote a visit to the Accident Prevention and Safety
at Work PostCareer Moves:Change of job or promotion must not forget Hygiene, Health and Safety at WorkMobility:In the mobility of Trainees, Trainers, Technicians, the recommendation is to have as a priority to
discuss and make people feel responsible for the topic of Hygiene and Safety at WorkEntrepreneurship Opportunities:The Entrepreneur is to make sure that workers do not forget the rules of Health and Safety at Work.Transfer in Europe:It is important to maintain an excellent vehicle for transmitting positive or negative experiences to
improve the implementation of the health and safety rules. This Post can be replicated across

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:CENFIC – Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Sul
Address:Avenida Severiano Falcão
Zip/City:Prior Velho / 2689-516
Contact Person
Contact Phone:00351 219406300
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