CAPEB Skills Pack Portal, from a “training” approach to a “skills” approach

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The CAPEB Skills Pack Portal (CSPP) is a human resources software which aims at evaluating employees’ skills in craft building companies. Indeed, craft building employers don’t think of skills as a leverage to improve the performance of their companies. It focuses on the connection between the employees’ activities, the skills they have and the skills they need to have to perform well these activities. From there, training modules are created, matching the activities of each trade. It is a skills management system, which puts into perspective the skills currently needed by craft building companies and those that we can presume will be needed in the future, in accordance with the evolution of the sector and of each trade.


Promoter: CAPEB


Improve skills’ management practices within craft building companies.


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
130 craft building companies purchased a CSPP software.
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
200 to 300 skills’ diagnosis conducted in each region.
Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Identification of the CSPP software’s limits: mutation of the software into a portal.


Skills Gaps:
High-precision linking between work-related activities and expected skills.
Mis-Matching of Skills:
Implementation of a skills-based approach, resolving the mis-matching of the training-based approach
Skills Shortages:
The prospective identification of skills’ needs will help overcome skills shortage.


Generalisation of the modules-based approach.
Career Moves:
Transparency of career progression paths.
The formal recognition of skills eases mobility.
Other EQF-Level:
This device works on the craftsman’s identity whose skills are strengthen; their social inclusion is encouraged.
Transfer in Europe:
This device eases the passing of craft building companies, which has been identified as a main issue within the building craftmanship.
Training:Generalisation of the modules-based approach.Career Moves:Transparency of career progression paths.Mobility:The formal recognition of skills eases mobility.Other EQF-Level:This device works on the craftsman’s identity whose skills are strengthen; their social inclusion is encouraged.Transfer in Europe:This device eases the passing of craft building companies, which has been identified as a main issue within the building craftmanship.

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:CAPEB
Address:2 rue Béranger 75003 Paris
Telephone:+33 1 53 60 50 00
Contact Person
Contact Name:Sandrine Fontaine
Contact Phone:+33 1 53 60 50 07
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