Digitales Bauberufliches Lernen und Arbeiten (DigiBAU)

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DigiBAU deals with the transformation of analog content of curricula into digital learning in intercompany training. Blended learning courses will be presented in a virtual shop window on in 2022. 13 project partners work on specific areas such as virtual courses, learning platforms and interactive learning.


Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH, lead promoter and partner)
Co-funded by Federal Ministry for Education
Co-funded by EU (ESF)
AZB - Ausbildungszentrum Bau Hamburg GmbH (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum Bau und Bildung mit den überbetrieblichen Ausbildungszentren Dresden und Leipzig (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum Bau und Energie Handwerkskammer Münster (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum Baumaschinentechnik Walldorf (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum des Zimmerer- und Ausbaugewerbes Kassel (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum Elementiertes Bauen Bühl (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum für Ausbau und Fassade (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum Holzbau und Ausbau Biberach (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum Nachhaltiges Bauen Cottbus (partner)
Kompetenzzentrum Versorgungstechnik Osnabrück (partner)
Technische Universität Berlin (partner)
Technische Universität Dresden (partner)


"DigiBAU - Experts" work together online and offline in a "Community of Practice" in order to review existing digital learning and consulting services in a standard-related manner and to redesign them to suit target groups. As a result, the status and requirements of digital resources and qualifications in SMEs in the construction sector and in the network will be determined. This serves as orientation for the digitization in the construction sector. DigiBAU renews and expands the exchange and transfer of knowledge in the existing competence network by including selected digital educational resources and qualification offers for digital construction-based learning.


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
Virtual “shop window” where targeted users can obtain the state of the art of digitisation and best practices in the construction sector
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
12 sub projects carry out different projects. For example: virtual training courses (Bildungszentrum Holzbau Baden-Würtemberg), data transfer with construction machines (BIW Bildungswerk Bau), learning and communication platform (Baubildung Sachsen)


Skills Gaps:
For example, the project teaches SME actors through its competence network “Kompetenznetzwerk Bau und Energie e.V.”. Four universities are network partner. Digital and mobile learning is the main focus.
Skills Shortages:
Training of apprentices in the sub project “Digital Media in VET” intends to address the shortage and to train young people as the future work force.
Trainers are also addressed and trained to provide competences for the future workforce.


Entrepreneurship Opportunities:
The benefit of digital learning tools not only in terms of educational documents but also of helpful apps for training should be addressed more clearly. In some Member States there is a tendency to be too reserved regarding new training approaches.
Transfer in Europe:
More digital tools like apps during the apprenticeships are needed to transfer knowledge more effectively and efficiently.
Digital learning offers the opportunity to include people with difficulties. Mobile learning enables people to learn from everywhere, this should be further addressed.
Entrepreneurship Opportunities:The benefit of digital learning tools not only in terms of educational documents but also of helpful apps for training should be addressed more clearly. In some Member States there is a tendency to be too reserved regarding new training approaches.Transfer in Europe:More digital tools like apps during the apprenticeships are needed to transfer knowledge more effectively and efficiently. Other:Digital learning offers the opportunity to include people with difficulties. Mobile learning enables people to learn from everywhere, this should be further addressed.

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:TUHH
Role:Promoter and partner
Address:Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1, 21073
Contact Person
Contact Name:Franz Ferdinand Mersch
Contact Phone:+49 40 428 78 40 41
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