Health and Safety closer to school

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This initiative has several editions, developed by the regional OPPCs with the assistance of FLC within the activities of the aforementioned body, which in this case addresses the issue of occupational risk prevention and health and safety, but oriented towards children between 6 and 12 years of age, through informative sessions and practical work that is carried out in educational centres in different Spanish cities.
This activity is disseminated on the FLC's Prevention Line website




The main aim of this initiative is to provide very young boys and girls (6-12 years of age) with some basic notions, and make them familiar with concepts related to the field of occupational health and safety in the construction industry, relating them to the daily activities of the domestic and leisure scope of this group, introducing small routines of security in their day-by-day.
An extra motivation is also sought, so that the interest in this subject is greater, through the realization of activities, competitions, practices with teams and the awarding of prizes.
In this way, the aim is to make people aware of the importance of health and safety in general, so that at this early age they acquire habits and routines aimed at improving this aspect and have a positive impact on their working future within the framework of occupational risk prevention.


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
As an assessment of quantitative impact of this initiative, in this edition, the OPPC has carried out 198 sessions in nearly 90 primary schools, distributed geographically as follows: 32 sessions in Aragon, 63 in Castilla y León, 11 in Castilla-La Mancha, 42 in Valencia, and 50 in Galicia. A total of 4,400 students have participated.
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
Regarding the qualitative impact, on the one hand, it has contributed to the awareness and acquisition of people’s behavioural routines regarding health and safety, both in the workplace, over a longer period of time, and in everyday life. This is of high important considering that the target group will be the professionals of the immediate future.
On the other hand, the initiative has supported the importance of training in the prevention of occupational risks and in health and safety in general, which should begin at an early age.

Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Likewise, this activity contributes to improving the image of the sector, of which its high accident rates are always pointed out, thus showing an image of the safe work processes that the sector has implemented, and softening the image of danger perceived by students and citizens in general, and contributing to attracting potential professionals in the future, an issue of extreme relevance given the aging of the working population in the sector and the few students in their training specialties in both formal and informal education.


Skills Shortages:
Within the labour scope, the area of Prevention of Labour Risks is extremely important, it is required that the measures, actions and behaviours carried out in this matter by the parties involved are perfectly known by all. Therefore, this initiative improves the acquisition of knowledge and skills from an early age, with undoubted repercussions in the near future.


Bearing in mind that the issue of health and safety covers all areas of society and affects the well-being of all individuals, and that the prevention of occupational risks is a matter that accompanies workers throughout their working lives, the knowledge and behaviours oriented to the improvement of these aspects must also be acquired from the beginning of people’s life. Therefore, it would be advisable that the competent public administrations promote, within the educational curriculum, the need to integrate prevention in the learning of work processes as something necessary without which it is not possible to carry out a task, trying to avoid dissociation, which in many cases, is between learning the task and the way to carry it out safely. Students should learn how to perform an activity safely from the beginning and in a separate module from the activity. Let us not forget that prevention is the best tool for health and safety.
This action would contribute significantly to a safer future working world and therefore to the well-being of society.

Training:Bearing in mind that the issue of health and safety covers all areas of society and affects the well-being of all individuals, and that the prevention of occupational risks is a matter that accompanies workers throughout their working lives, the knowledge and behaviours oriented to the improvement of these aspects must also be acquired from the beginning of people’s life. Therefore, it would be advisable that the competent public administrations promote, within the educational curriculum, the need to integrate prevention in the learning of work processes as something necessary without which it is not possible to carry out a task, trying to avoid dissociation, which in many cases, is between learning the task and the way to carry it out safely. Students should learn how to perform an activity safely from the beginning and in a separate module from the activity. Let us not forget that prevention is the best tool for health and safety.
This action would contribute significantly to a safer future working world and therefore to the well-being of society.

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:OPPC (Joint Body for Prevention in Construction: Article 117 of the VI Construction General Collective Agreement)
Address:C/Rivas, 25, Pol. Ind. Vicálvaro, Madrid, 28052
Contact Person
Contact Name:OPPC Secretary: José Pablo Martínez Marqués
Contact Phone:+34 91 562 45 85; +34 900 20 30 20
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