Industrial Observatory for Construction

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Instrument for observation and analysis, seeking to get closer to the needs of workers, companies and all those actors involved in the construction industry through exchange of exerience and reflection.
An initiative created within the scope of the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción at the proposal of the National Construction Confederation and the trade unions UGT-FICA and CCOO Construction and Services, as an instrument for monitoring and analysing the evolution of the sector, mainly with the objectives described below.


Fundación Laboral de la Construcción


The Observatory aims to be a space for debate, exchange and reflection with the social partners, also inviting institutions, organisations and any interest group of the Construction industry, to be a meeting point for professionals and entities of reference in the sector that contribute the different visions and perspectives, a channel for knowledge transfer and sectoral enrichment.
The specific objectives defined are:
• To keep the information on the indicators identified as priorities periodically updated, in order to know the evolution of the sector through time series, tables, graphs, analysis and possible interpretations.
• To carry out studies and researches in the lines identified as relevant for the sector as well as in the FLC fields of action: evolution of the sector as well as training, employment and occupational health and safety, and innovation and new environmental trends related to these areas.


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
Preparation of detailed sectoral reports in all areas: labour force surveys and evolution of the sector by period
- Accident rate
- Employment and Training
- VET for building and civil works
- BIM implementation
These reports help to improve, among other things, important aspects as prevention and occupational health, as well as the training required in the sector.

Impacts/Outcomes 2:
Continuous contribution of relevant information about the current situation and the evolution of the sector through:
- Articles written by representatives of sectoral bodies that are part of the Observatory. The aim of these articles is to make known both the situation of the construction industry and seeking to advance and improve towards a social and sustainable sector.
- Contents by experts who, by means of analysis and detailed studies in more specific matters, aim to make known and improve the aspects affecting the sector related to:
- Innovation, such as housing industrialization.
- Employment or labour market studies for coming years.
- Training, such as studies on prospecting and detection of training needs.
- Health and safety.

Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Online platform where all the reports can be consulted, with their detailed data, allowing their management in a dynamic way.
Also, articles and contents by experts related to the construction industry, with a series of recommendations.


Mis-Matching of Skills:
The project contributes to solve the skills mismatch; it is intended to have an accurate and updated image of all the aspects that are affecting the sector, to make them be known by the parties involved and, in this way, to allow them to act to get all the needs covered with the corresponding skills.


The Observatory must be an agile instrument in which all the parties involved in the sector participate actively and continuously, thus creating a real and updated framework that allows for a rapid response to any productive change.
Other:The Observatory must be an agile instrument in which all the parties involved in the sector participate actively and continuously, thus creating a real and updated framework that allows for a rapid response to any productive change.

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Address:C/Rivas, 25, Pol. Ind. Vicálvaro, Madrid, 28052
Contact Person
Contact Phone:+34 900 11 21 21
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