Pilot implementation of the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the construction sector (SRK-Bud) in the scope of competence development in industry entities

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Development of tools for training skills validation, recruitment and job description in construction enterprises using the Qualifications Framework in Construction

Project implemented under an IBE public contract. Characteristics of SRK-Bud (Sectoral Qualifications Framework) levels taking into account both all phases of the investment process in construction (being sectoral determinants) as well as contexts corresponding to the specifics of various types of activity allow direct use of the Framework in the work of HR departments and training in the company. It is important for employers that the characteristics of SRK-Bud levels written in the language of learning outcomes have a direct reference to professional tasks. Professional tasks are a reference point for creating job descriptions, competence confirmation system adopted in the company and designing an employee training system. The SRK-Bud pilot project in two large construction companies confirmed these initial assumptions, indicated in the recommendations accompanying the Report on the implementation of the SRK-Bud project. As part of the pilot, various tools were developed to support HR departments and training in enterprises.


Trade Union Budowlani and experts team


Development of tools for training skills validation, recruitment and job description in construction enterprises using the Qualifications Framework in Construction


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
Activities in the area of analyzing and designing job descriptions
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
Activities in the field of competence audit and analysis of employee training needs using 5 model job descriptions
Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Activities in the area of designing the internal competence recognition and confirmation system


Mis-Matching of Skills:
Description of 5 key jobs in the language of learning outcomes, using the characteristics of the frame levels
Providing tools for assessing employees' competences and skills in the company


Career Moves:
Providing tools to support employees in choosing professional development paths
Career Moves:Providing tools to support employees in choosing professional development paths

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:Trade Union Budowlani,
Address:Mokotowska st 4/6; 00-641 Warsaw
Website:http://www.zzbudowlani.pl; http://www.ibe.edu.pl
Contact Person
Contact Name:Jakub A. Kus
Contact Phone:+48 22 8256066
Contact Email:jkus@zzbudowlani.pl
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