Project transition
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The aim of this project is to develop coherent training path for young people while enabling the exchange of information regarding qualification, but also a smooth professional transition.
Institutional: Actiris, Bruxelles-Formation, Brussels Minister for Employment, Minister of education (French-speaker), Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Cocof, Sfpme
Sectorial : Constructiv, CDR-Construction, Professional construction federations
Part-time training course system : efp, Cefa
• Increase by 15% the number of work-study trainees in the trades of the sector
• Constantly improve the rate of integration into employment 12 months after vocational training
• 20% increase in the volume (= candidates) of continuous training per year in the sector
• Double the number of job seekers trained in all construction trades.

• Guaranteed a quality Brussels workforce by facilitating the transition of young people to construction companies
• Offers 3,000 training places and 2,000 internship places for job seekers in Brussels
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
work-study development
Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Multiplies the bridges between vocational training, qualifying education and higher education (PromSoc)
Contact Information
Name of Organisation: | Confédération-Construction Bruxelles-Capitale (CCB-C) |
Role: | Promoter |
Address: | Rue du Lombard 34/42, 1000 Bruxelles |
Zip/City: | Bruxelles |
Country: | Belgium |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Contact Person | |
Contact Name: | AL BARAJRAJI Sihame |
Contact Phone: | 02 54 5 58 34 |
Contact Email: | |