+Training. MOOCs Courses

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Initiative consisting of the creation and continuous implementation of free online courses for TPC (Construction Professional Card) holders, addressing current issues within the sector.

The +Training initiative launched by the FLC consists of the creation and continuous implementation of free MOOC courses, in online mode, of short duration, available at any time and with web support.
These are courses with unique access to holders of the Professional Construction Card (TPC) with training that will address various current issues within the sector, such as: BIM (Building Information Modeling); occupational health and risk prevention; rehabilitation; accessibility; energy efficiency and renewable energy; among other subjects.


Fundación Laboral de la Construcción


The main aim of the FLC with this type of actions is to facilitate as much as possible and free of charge to workers who have TPC, access to basic knowledge on various current issues, disseminate the main lines of innovation and encourage the adoption of good practices in the construction sector, promoting continuous training. The completion of this training is reflected in the TPC. Consequently, contributing to the improvement of the sector, with professionals who have updated skills and competences.


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
The figures prove the success of this initiative. The first MOOCs launched by the FLC, called Energy Efficiency in Buildings, with a duration of 8 hours, was followed by nearly 1,000 workers, adding in all its editions more than 3,000 people, making it the course with the largest number of students in this initiative.
This course has been followed, in terms of participation, by the 6-hour BIM Foundations MOOC, with 1,700 participants. And the 4-hour Building Accessibility Test, with more than 1,500 hours.
MOOCs with wide participation have also been the following: Rehabilitation and sustainable construction; Use of machinery and those related to the subject of occupational health and risk prevention.
In total, more than 15,500 students have been trained in some of the specialties within this training initiative, where a new course has been offered every month, as well as other editions of the most demanded courses, all of them basically related to innovation, sustainable construction and good practices in the construction sector.

Impacts/Outcomes 2:
This initiative has made it possible for the workers to take, free of charge, as many courses as they wished, obtaining their corresponding aptitude certificates, once they have passed the evaluation tests, with the advantage of obtaining an automatic update in their Professional Construction Card (TPC).


Skills Gaps:
These actions help to reduce the lack of new skills required by the construction sector, helping workers to acquire training, especially in the most innovative content related to new technologies and environmentally sustainable building.
Professionals will also be able to accredit the acquisition of these new skills through the Professional Construction Card (TPC).


The creation of this type of free training should be encouraged, as it is a modality that facilitates the adaptation to the working hours and, above all, oriented to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills that the sector demands due to the productive changes, both in relation to the new systems and processes of building and the progress in the areas of Energy Efficiency; Sustainable Construction and Renewable Energies. A sector where its professionals have their skills and abilities updated, means a sector in continuous renewal and, therefore, competitive.
Training:The creation of this type of free training should be encouraged, as it is a modality that facilitates the adaptation to the working hours and, above all, oriented to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills that the sector demands due to the productive changes, both in relation to the new systems and processes of building and the progress in the areas of Energy Efficiency; Sustainable Construction and Renewable Energies. A sector where its professionals have their skills and abilities updated, means a sector in continuous renewal and, therefore, competitive.

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Address:Calle Rivas 25, Pol. Ind. Vicálvaro, Madrid, 28052
Contact Person
Contact Phone:+34 900 11 21 21
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