WinAPP – Work process oriented, interactively enhanced and APP supported learning and training in construction VET in Europe

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The objective has been to analyse in detail the existing models and methods of work process orientation and the degree of application in VET in the partner countries by a) desk research and b) by interviews with VET-trainers/teachers and apprentices. This should lead to a realistic approach how to cope with current requirements by the applying target groups how an APP should look like, what it should provide and which should be the core contents in terms of conveying method and practice. The APP-development will incorporate versions for apprentices and VET-trainers/teachers. The new form (APP) will cope with the need for updating the form of media and thus the acceptance to work with the contents and methods. Eventually this should open new chances for young people to enter the labour market and lower youth unemployment rates.


Partner: CCCA-BTP
Partner: IFAPME
Partner: Yildiz Technical University
Partner: Vilnius Builder Training Centre

Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V. / Germany / Promoter
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción / Spain
Vilnius Builder Training Centre / Lithuania
Centro Edile Andrea Palladio / Italy
Chamber for Commerce and Industry / Slovenia
Open University / Netherlands


The objective here is to analyse in detail the existing models and methods of work process orientation and the degree of application in VET in the partner countries by a) desk research and b) by interviews with VET-trainers/teachers and apprentices. This should lead to a realistic approach how to cope with current requirements by the applying target groups how an APP should look like, what it should provide and which should be the core contents in terms of conveying method and practice.

Target Groups:

Apprentices and VET-trainers


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
Survey Work Process Orientation in the six partner countries
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
9 work process oriented scripts as base for APP development in 7 languages (partners´ languages plus EN)
Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Developed testing structure
Impacts/Outcomes 4:
Android APP à search with “construction” and “WinAPP” in GooglePlayStore


Skills Gaps:
Bridging digital gaps in learning/teaching in a work process oriented way
Mis-Matching of Skills:
Digital teaching and learning nowadays
Work based learning

Skills Shortages:
Digital skills
Work based learning


Training in workshop
Other EQF-Level:
3 and 4
Transfer in Europe:
Yes. The WinAPP is available in 7 languages in the GooglePlayStore
Target Groups:
Apprentices and VET-trainers
Training:Training in workshopOther EQF-Level:3 and 4Transfer in Europe:Yes. The WinAPP is available in 7 languages in the GooglePlayStoreTarget Groups:Apprentices and VET-trainersOther:VET-centres

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V.
Address:Bökendonk 15-17
Zip/City:47809 Krefeld
Contact Person
Contact Name:Frank Bertelmann-Angenendt
Contact Phone:02151 5155-53
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