A training action that will be replicated in the 12 countries of the partnership, by the Construction Blueprint project partners, and that is aimed at updating the VET offer for students and construction workers in Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy and Digitalisation.
During October, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has delivered the online course on ‘Energy efficiency in the construction industry and nearly zero energy buildings’, of the Construction Blueprint project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, in which a total of 92 persons have been registered.
This course is part of the new training offer for Vocational Education and Training (VET) designed by the Construction Blueprint project to update and improve the skills of the sector’s workforce in the field of Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy and Digitalisation.
The objective of this first training was to increase the knowledge and skills of the participants on the principles and practices applied in the construction and/or renovation of low or nearly zero energy buildings, in order to comply with current energy efficiency techniques and regulations.
Energy Efficiency training in Spain
The course on ‘Energy Efficiency in the Construction Industry and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings’ has been divided into eight training modules, with a total duration of 16 hours, distributed over two blocks:
- The first block, structured in 8 hours of online training with a tutor, was given during the week of 10-14 October, covering the following modules:
- Energy and buildings.
- Building structure. Insulation and thermal bridging.
- Heating and cooling.
- Renewable energies.
- The second block covers 8 hours of self-study through the e-learning platform (Moodle), which the student will be able to take throughout October and in which the following modules have been addressed:
- Introduction to energy efficiency and nearly zero energy buildings.
- The European drive in this field.
- The structure of the building. Air tightness.
- Energy renovation.