Identical renovation of a music kiosk from 1900 in Périgueux
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Built in 1900, the music kiosk of Périgueux was decapitated in 1983 for security reasons. On the initiative of the COBATY Périgord and the municipality of Périgueux, it was identically renovated between 2015 and 2018, with similar materials and traditional techniques, by apprentices of the VTC of Périgueux.
In cooperation with regional companies and associations, the apprentices, supervised by Philippe Bachmair (Best Worker of France in art metalwork) and Franck Mery (roofer), participated to the 5 phases of the project.
Promoters: COBATY Périgord (regional branch of COBATY, association for excellence in the construction sector) and the municipality of Périgueux;
Partners: VTC of Périgueux and CCCA-BTP;
24 local sponsors (banks, companies, associations)
Preservation and promotion of traditional craftsmanship in heritage restoration

Promoting the excellence of the traditional trainings by apprenticeship of the VTC of Périgueux
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
Implementing an innovative pedagogical experience integrated to a territory for apprentices in craftmanship trades
Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Making manual and traditional occupations in the construction sector attractive to new profiles, such as women

The concrete application of the knowledge learned in class to a major project with specific requirements fills the gaps between the skills needed in a professional context and those provided by the VTC.
Mis-Matching of Skills:
This common project allows apprentices to cooperate with all the craftmanship trades involved and to learn from each one, preventing them of being only specialized and not concerned by the impacts of each trade on the others.
Skills Shortages:
This project participates to prevent traditional craftmanship skills from disappearing by promoting and valuing them.
Training:The apprentices learned to work with all the other craftmanship trades and gained in responsibility as well as solidarity, in contrast to the individual projects they usually achieve by themselves for themselves to validate their trainings.
Other EQF-Level:
The apprentices participated to a common long-term project in heritage restoration within the framework of a territorial cooperation between the municipality, the VTC, local companies and associations, which integrates them in their territory. Therefore, their work is recognized and valued by the society.
Transfer in Europe:
The knowledge the apprentices learn by participating to this concrete project is instantly operational and easily assimilated.
Contact Information
Name of Organisation: | CCCA-BTP |
Role: | Promoter |
Address: | 19 rue du Père Corentin, 75014 Paris |
Zip/City: | Paris |
Country: | France |
Telephone: | +33 1 40 64 26 00 |
Website: | |
Contact Person | |
Contact Name: | Jacques-Olivier Hénon – Director of Training Policies and Pedagogical Innovation |
Contact Phone: | +33 1 40 64 26 34 |
Contact Email: | |