Jornadas de puertas abiertas

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This initiative presents a programme of 8 open days, one day in each of the 8 Andalusian provinces. The activity consists of showing the training centre's facilities and informing those attending about the training offer and the guidance and employment services of the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción.


Fundación Laboral de la Construcción


To raise awareness of employment and professional development opportunities in the construction sector, as well as the role of the Fundación Laboral among different stakeholders, and to publicise its training offer for all of them to attract new workers to the construction industry.


Impacts/Outcomes 1:
Increased activity of the FLC, both in employment and training.
Impacts/Outcomes 2:
Improving the image of the construction sector
Impacts/Outcomes 3:
Synergies between the stakeholders: Flc-companies-unemployed-employment advisors


- To promote the construction industry so that it becomes attractive to young people who have to train for their working future. It must be done in order to get new workforce to replace the current one. The professions in the sector must be positioned at a high level and competitive with the other professions in the labour market.

- It is necessary to focus more strongly on the training of those interested in entering the construction sector (young people, women, unemployed people from other sectors) through specific, useful and appropriate training.

- Employment advisors/guidance counsellors are a key group in disseminating the benefits of the construction sector to its users and in raising awareness of the opportunity to take advantage of the FLC's training for those interested in working on the differente trades in the sector.

This type of initiative contributes to the sector's need to adapt to changes in production, technological advances and environmental regulations. Young workers, unemployed people and other interested persons correctly trained in the construction occupations, are quickly brought in, which will mean a generational change, highly demanded by the sector.

Besides, facilitating the unemployed people interested in coming to the construction industry a qualified training, will help the sector to keep as productive, modern, and with high opportunities of creating job and career development.

Training:- To promote the construction industry so that it becomes attractive to young people who have to train for their working future. It must be done in order to get new workforce to replace the current one. The professions in the sector must be positioned at a high level and competitive with the other professions in the labour market.

- It is necessary to focus more strongly on the training of those interested in entering the construction sector (young people, women, unemployed people from other sectors) through specific, useful and appropriate training.

- Employment advisors/guidance counsellors are a key group in disseminating the benefits of the construction sector to its users and in raising awareness of the opportunity to take advantage of the FLC's training for those interested in working on the differente trades in the sector. Other:This type of initiative contributes to the sector's need to adapt to changes in production, technological advances and environmental regulations. Young workers, unemployed people and other interested persons correctly trained in the construction occupations, are quickly brought in, which will mean a generational change, highly demanded by the sector.

Besides, facilitating the unemployed people interested in coming to the construction industry a qualified training, will help the sector to keep as productive, modern, and with high opportunities of creating job and career development.

Contact Information

Name of Organisation:Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Address:Avenida San Francisco Javier nº 15, 1ª Planta
Contact Person
Contact Name:Luis Miguel Morilla Orozco
Contact Phone:955 566 000
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