Construction Blueprint analyses Greece’s situation in the construction sector


During the project’s lifespan, the Construction Blueprint consortium will develop several phases and activities to achieve the objectives, and to obtain outcomes that support the main aim: a new sectoral strategic approach to cooperate on skills in the Construction industry.

Based on this, the skills analysis of the current state of the European construction sector, determines the current scenario regarding several factors that are likely impelling the appearance of skills needs, influencing the current status of the qualification frameworks as well as affecting the Vocational Education and Training (VET) offered in each country.

This first phase aims to provide valuable information to serve as a fundamental basis for defining the key elements through the creation of a Roadmap and an Action Plan, which will shape the first approach concerning the setting up of the Sectoral Skills Strategy.

On the basis of the results of the Status Quo and Sectoral Skills Strategy results related to Greece, the following remarks were made:

  • One of the key national priorities is the repair or construction of smarter buildings with superior insulating materials that are completely consistent with the concepts of circular economy.
  • Greece has set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 56% by 2030 compared to 2005 and to have a climate neutral economy by 2050
  • Technological advances bring about several emerging new practices, in the sector. Workers in building and related trades must possess sufficient qualifications and take up professional development opportunities to use new IT-based, or automated, equipment, such as remote-controlled vehicles and smart tools.

Stay tuned for more information on project’s website, here.