Our partnership is working on the creation of an Observatory to anticipate the need for technical expertise


During the project’s lifespan, the Construction Blueprint consortium is creating a common  Web-based tool to anticipate skills needs by using a Big Data methodology at national and regional level, by the combination of the information coming from primary sources (survey) and secondary ones. This tool will support partners in making decisions concerning training offer.

The common based tool has its basis on the following construction observatories:

  • European Construction Sector Observatory (ECSO): It is an initiative under COSME -the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). It offers the analysis of the construction sector in all 27 EU countries and the UK, in view of keeping  European policymakers and stakeholders up to date on market conditions and policy developments
  • Construction Observatory of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción: A space for debate, exchange and reflection with social agents, institutions, organizations and any interest group in the Spanish Construction sector, to be a meeting point for professionals and entities of reference in the construction sector.
  • EU Building Stock Observatory: The BSO contains a database, a data mapper and factsheets for monitoring the energy performance of buildings across Europe. It covers a broad range of energy related topics and provide information on the building stock, energy consumption, building elements and technical building systems installed, energy performance certificates, nearly zero-energy buildings and renovation rates, but also areas like energy poverty and financing aspects.
  • EU Energy Poverty Observatory (EPOV): The EU Energy Poverty Observatory (EPOV) is a new initiative by the European Commission to help Member States in their efforts to combat energy poverty. It exists to improve the measuring, monitoring and sharing of knowledge and best practice on energy poverty.

Stay tuned for more information on project’s website, here