On 26 October, Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC), together with Fundación Laboral, held a virtual meeting with the National Advisory Group (NAG) of Spanish professionals for the Construction Blueprint project.
More than ten representatives from key institutions in the Spanish construction sector will form the National Advisory Group (NAG) of Spanish professionals for the Construction Blueprint project. Specifically, on 26 October, the first virtual meeting of this NAG, organised by Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC) and Fundación Laboral, was attended by professionals from the following organisations : Instituto Nacional de las Cualificaciones (Incual), Centro de Formación Profesional de Edificación y Obra Civil de Paracuellos del Jarama, CCOO Construcción y Servicios, UGT-FICA, Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de España (CGATE), Federación de Empresarios de Construcción de Burgos, Instituto de la Construcción de Castilla y León, Asociación Nacional de Distribuidores de Cerámica y Materiales de Construcción (Andimac), Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Trabajos Verticales y en Altura (Anetva), Green Building Council España (GBCe), Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja belong to Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IETCC-CSIC), Tecnalia Research & Innovation and Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Construcción (PTEC).
This is how the National Advisory Group (NAG) was constituted, an essential requirement for the progress and results of the second phase of the Construction Bueprint project, with the aim of the different partners in the initiative -in this case, the Spanish partners- receiving external points of view on the work being carried out within the project.
Knowledge of the sector’s agents, as an added value
The members of the NAG have knowledge and experience related to some of the areas from which the project is developed, necessary due to their influence and interaction with the construction activity and the labour market of the sector to enrich the results of Construction Blueprint. These areas -called helix, due to the application of the Quintuple Helix methodology in this project-, are the following : Educational, Social, Political-legal, Economic, Environmental and Technological.
Among the contributions of the members of the NAG, they have been asked to collaborate in the revision and validation of different results of the project:
- Sectoral Strategy and Roadmap.
- Status Quo Report.
- PESTLE Analysis.
- Map of Good Practices.
- Observatory of Professional Competences.
- Designed training plans.
- Profiles and occupations to be updated.
- Web page.
On 26 November, the National Seminar in Support of Construction Blueprint will be held, organised by the CNC, with the support of Fundación Laboral, in which representatives of the NAG will also participate.