The three German partners of the Construction Blueprint have organised an event in support of the project where they presented the results and objectives addressed by the consortium.
On 26 April 2022, German Construction Federation ZDB together with the German VET qualification partners of the project, the Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V. and the Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH promoted content and results of the EU project at the DHKT, the umbrella organisation of 53 German Chamber of Crafts.
Among the 27 participants of the planning group “International Vocational Training” were representatives of the Chambers of Skilled Crafts, the German Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, the Central Office for Continuing Education in the Skilled Crafts (ZWH), vocational schools, the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW) and some sector associations.
Furthermore, the three partners organised a hybrid workshop in Berlin in order to share the results of the project with key education actors and coordinators in the construction sector and, in the best case, to create synergies for the currently ongoing reorganisation process of the construction professions. So-called MOOCs were presented and assessed.
The EU project is particularly dedicated to the development and piloting of curricula for energy efficiency, circular economy and digitalisation for the construction industry. Several curricula for online curricula have been specifically adapted or designed for different construction professions (bricklayer, carpenter, electrician, plasterer, plumber, construction manager) and are currently being translated by the partners into the national languages. These European curricula are completely new at this level and have the potential to bring construction professionals to a basic level of knowledge in these subjects.
Based on this, various online training courses (Massive Open Online Course -MOOC) have been developed. All courses are free of charge for the project participants and do not require an instructor. A certificate is awarded for completing each course. The online courses are to be made available to vocational training centres for use.
Currently, it is still being examined how the utilisation can be legally advanced and secured. Two online courses (so far only available in English) are available free of charge after simple registration: “BIMcert: What is BIM and Digital Construction? Intro to BIM tools for Low Energy Building Construction”.