36 representatives from Construction Blueprint have met to discuss the upcoming challenges of the project


The second partnership meeting have celebrated in Rome, in October 24th and 25th, at the headsquare of ANCE (National Association of Builders of Italy), the Italian sectoral representative of the European Initiative

Italy was the country chosen by the partnership to hold the Second Monitoring Meeting of the Construction Blueprint. During two days, 36 representatives of the 24 partners institutions discussed about the main outcomes achieve by the project, on its route to the development of a new skills sectoral strategic approach in the European Construction industry. This aim should consider the needs for entrepreneurial skills and the supply of education and training offer for matching the labour market demand.

The meeting focused on the first steps of the project to define the Status Quo of the construction sector in the different countries of the consortium: Spain, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia. This objective will provide very valuable information that will become the cornerstone for shaping the first approach to the establishment of the sectoral competition strategy. During the first period of the project each partner has developed a specific analysis on several factors in its country that could have an impact on the construction sector. The points analysed were Political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental situation of the twelve European countries. The result of this work was presented and discussed by the partnership, which gave a constructive view on the opportunities of the project and the starting point for work.

State of the art: Present and future of the sector

This first analysis has helped to design the Status Quo of the Sector Skill that will be available soon and answers to the discrepancy between current and future skills, in order to establish the training needs of workers in a short/medium time. The document will also establish an average of professionals that should be trained in Europe to boost the sector in an international level and to maintenance as a drive labour market. The report has been considered by the partners as the seed to start drawing the measures, recommendations and actions of the Construction Blueprint, which will describe a roadmap as well as an action plan to be applied to adapt skills demand and the current offer.

Finally, the consortium addressed the next steps of the project that include to enable a transnational sector-wide about new skills, an Observatory with the construction needs that are going to build an European cohesion and integration. The main character of this project guides to create an alliance that undertakes the involvement and the endorsement of the key stakeholders.