
Sectoral European Organizations

European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC)

Created in 1905, represents construction enterprises of all sizes, via its 32 national Member Federations in 28 countries, as well as “global players”, carrying out all forms of building and civil engineering activities. Is the officially recognised Social Partner (representing employers) in the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue for the Construction industry.

Their main role is represent and promote the interests of the European Construction industry, through its network of national affiliates, within the European Institutions while helping to increase knowledge of the sector among policymakers and the general public. It also promotes and facilitate cooperation and the exchange of best practice between FIEC members.

Vocational training, qualifications, skills, competences, etc. are all priorities for FIEC since many years and they are addressed internally, with the involvement of the national experts of the member organisations, as well as within the Social Dialogue for the Construction industry. Several Social Dialogue project, co-financed by the European Commission (DG EMPL), undertaken during the last years have been dealing with these issues.

European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW)

EFBWW has an internal network with VET experts from all over Europe and is engaged in three sectoral social dialogue working groups on vocational training. The EFBWW is observing EU policies in the field of VET and has experience with a number of EU-funded projects with a focus on the EQF, ECVET, curricula for specific professions, European core qualifications. Furthermore, the EFBWW actively facilitates networking between various stakeholders in the field.

The EFBWW is a European Trade Union Federation representing construction workers in 34 countries. The EFBWW is recognized as European Social partner for the Construction sector in the European Social dialogue.

European Builders Confederation (EBC)

EBC is the European umbrella professional organisation representing national associations of construction crafts and SMEs. Set up in 1990, has 18 members representing 16 countries (15 EU, Switzerland), covering all trades in the building sector. Is a non-profit professional organisation based in Brussels, with an observer status in the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Construction.

EBC is sectoral member of: European of Craftsmen and SMEs (UEAPME), the Social Partner representing the interests of crafts, trades and SMEs; UEAPME training committee and Construction Forum, a sectoral committee discussing most important policy developments regarding construction; Founding member of Small Business Standards (SBS), the EU non-profit association representing SME interests in the standardisation process at EU and international level; and EAfA.

The Confederation has made a pledge to encourage SME to engage with training and national associations of construction SMEs to support apprenticeship among their members. Moreover, has committed to raise awareness about the importance of VET. And is partner of the Build Up Platform for the EE of buildings launched in 2009 and the BIM Community.