Avalaible the Sectoral Skills Strategy for the European construction industry


Construction Blueprint has published the «Roadmap and Action Plan» report that includes the strategies, measures, activities, results and plan of action to be applied to adapt skills demand and current offer

At the end of the first year of Construction Blueprint, the partnership has launched a «Strategic Action Plan and Roadmap» to reduce skill gaps between the requirements of the construction industry and sectoral training provision, and to contribute to growth, innovation and competitiveness in the construction industry. This document will be deployed during the Blueprint time and beyond its finalization.


The Strategic Action plan aims to anticipate skill needs and match training with them, while ensuring lifelong learning and the attractiveness of construction. This mission is in line with the current challenges of the industry and provides a medium and long-term vision that guides the steps of the project and the industry stakeholders.

This report highlights the main values that must be established to achieve a modern industry: sustainability, innovation, reliability and commitment. All these pillars reinforce the Sector Skills Alliance and help to implement the right strategy.

To achieve its mission, vision and values, the partnership defined strategic lines that respond to the key factors detected that are holding back the development of the industry.


The lines of the Strategic Plan are closely related to the previous reports: «PESTLE Analysis» and «Status Quo Report», which defined the current situation of the sector and the main gaps that have to be addressed to improve the industry as a European economic driver.

In this sense, the Action Plan has been proposed to be used as a first step to reach agreements allowing to develop a European strategy for matching skills demand and supply in the construction industry.

Some of the actions proposed will be implemented in the framework of the Blueprint, while others are outside the scope of the project and would require to reach other agreements at the national level in the participating countries as well as the involvement of different external stakeholders.

 Download the complete «Strategic Action Plan and Roadmap»