The European Alliance Against Coronavirus (EAAC) is a new network emerged since the beginning of the Covid-19 to find solutions and share experiences in Europe, created by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, a new network emerged across Europe to find solutions and share experiences. What started as an informal search for 3D printing capacities only some weeks ago has now turned into a high potential group of experts collaborating with the European Commission and national networks: the European Alliance Against Coronavirus (EAAC). This network has been created by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
The EAAC focuses its activities on understanding reality, naming needs, identifying potential solutions, and then transferring them to their networks to act. Its strength is gathering multi-level competences and knowledge – as its members offer their cross-sectoral contributions from all over Europe. In (up to date) 27 video conferences with 223 experts and 740 attendants, the alliance has discussed a wide range of topics. Among these are prototyping of respirators, 3D printing, public procurement, economic and social impacts, exit strategy, homologation, social economy, ICT solutions, among others. The list goes on and will continue to grow.
Some of the actions refer to the immediate needs in this crisis, for example the necessity to produce and reuse masks and PPEs. Others are seen in long term, which might change the way the system is working. The EAAC is looking to link society, social and industrial clusters, and public administrations closer together, learn quicker from best practices, develop key technologies and link European industrial capacities, to name a few. The group is currently working on concrete suggestions.
The European Alliance Against Coronavirus wants to connect experts and networks all over Europe. In this time of crisis, knowledge and experiences are of great value. EAAC is open to everyone: to industrial clusters, social economy actors, companies and public authorities.
Become a part of the alliance!
If you want to participate in the meetings and contribute with your ideas and examples, please contact:
Antonio Novo
President European Clusters Alliance