
Le competenze digitali sono una delle sfide maggiori che l’industria delle costruzioni deve affrontare al fine di migliorare il capitale umano del settore.  Il COM (2012) 433 “Strategia per la competitività sostenibile del settore edile e delle sue imprese” ha identificato le competenze TIC come una barriera da superare per migliorare il capitale umano nel settore. Oltre al “Rapporto analitico sul miglioramento della base di capitale umano realizzato dall’Osservatorio europeo del settore delle costruzioni”, si segnala che la scarsa digitalizzazione nel settore, il passaggio a progetti BIM così come l’aumento dell’automazione domestica porteranno nuovi scenari di lavoro che richiederanno un efficace livello di digitalizzazione delle competenze dei lavoratori edili.


Education for zero energy buildings using Building Information Modeling (BIM)
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Lean Construction

Training program in Lean methodology
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Network for using BIM to increase the energy buildings performance
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Upp Games

Basic Health and Safety skills on Works at Height through Serious Games (app)
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H&S Games

Serious games on Health and Safety for mobile learning
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Virtual Reality application for Health and Safety training in European road works
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Construction Inheritance

Transfer of know-how from older construction workers to younger ones
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Body Information On an Intelligent Chip
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A mobile device with 3D site plans, to help site managers and other site personnel on the job
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Digital Platform for Construction to develop of future common ecosystems of digital services
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 Work based Learning in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry: the transition of young people to Work
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Improving digital skills of construction workers
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Mini-games that foster entrepreneurial skills for the construction sector
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European Cluster Collaboration Platform

A service facility aiming to provide cluster organisations with modern tools
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innovative qualifications for technological and organizational innovation in building sector
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Promoting the understanding of BIM in the construction sector
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